Seven Fun Things.

Happy Sunday everyone! This week (like all my weeks lately) has been stuffed full of work, school, side projects, and our updates to our own home! We have been painting up a storm, ordering light fixtures, unpacking, and hanging artwork. Is it just me or does it not really feel like home until all your artwork is hung? I’ve moved a lot of our pieces to a few different spots and I think everything is starting to find permanent homes, more or less.

Now, let’s take a look at some of my favorite links and stories from the week:

  1. Why Architecture Lovers Should Consider a Visit to This Stanley Tucci–Approved Italian Village

I’m dying to go back to Italy (Dave has never been!) and this village is at the top of my list. What Stanley Tucci says, goes!

2. This apartment in Istanbul is delightfully bold and playful without feeling too much.

The striped cabana?? Dead. The light fixtures? Too fun. The modern artwork? So cool.

3. Will the Return of Y2K Beauty Bring Back Ultra-Thin Eyebrows?

Please god, no.

4. I just discovered this antiques shop on Instagram and I want one of everything, please.

Another place I’ve been dying to go back to: FRANCE. What I would give to meander around a brocante and see what goodies I can find! Also, they ship internationally…need I say more?

5. Quote of the week:

6. The 16 Things You Can Purge This Weekend

I am a notoriously ruthless de-clutterer. Ask anyone! Maybe it was moving so much growing up, or perhaps that I’m not an overly sentimental person, but I live to purge and organize my “stuff”.

7. Our cousins got me this blanket as a thank you gift and it is a dang dream.

I had never heard of this brand before, but I am a big fan now. It’s heavy without being too hot (hello, life in the South). Winnie isn’t a huge fan though, because he keeps getting his little feet stuck. Pitiful little guy.


Seven Fun Things.


Seven Fun Things.